Since today started out so beautifully even before I woke up, I understand the heavens tossed handfuls of stars to make it rain like glitter, when my alarm went off my husband made me turn it off and stay in bed. No morning routine for me today! WOW!! As I lay there snuggled underneath my comforter all downy and fluffy thoughts started swirling around in my head. This blog was born as sure as I was on this day!
I have everything I need and most of what I want, I am blessed that way. When my daughters asked what I wanted for my birthday that is what came tripping from my lips. Really I don't need anything, but I did say to them, what I wanted was a day I didn't have to ask anyone to empty the dishwasher, pick up after themselves or be a referee. A day with no bickering or back sass would be nice. Perfect gift, just the right size and that is what I truly want.
I wish for a world where the least of my brothers and sisters, animals, children, the eldery, differently abled, the homeless, know love, kindness and mercy that we are supposed to show one another. Especially those that are weaker and/or less capable than we are and truly need us to help them.
I would love it if my dad would call me with my perfunctory old phone call. Every year, without fail, I'd get my "you're getting old kid" call. I would counter with something like, "when did this happen dad??" Then he'd tell me to be grateful I woke up another day, lived another year because, "the alternative is worse". The world according to Bubby (my dad's nickname), I'd say to him. He always had little nuggets of wisdom to share and not a day goes by that I don't wish I could hear him pop one off for me....
I want the world to be a better place for today, so my friends instead of getting something for me, do something on my behalf. Practice one random act of kindness to a stranger today, it can be small and simple, but something that makes someone smile. It is already Earth Day, let's make it People Being Good to Each Other on Earth Day.
As I am mentally blowing out my candles and making my wish I wish for it to be a good day for everyone today too. I want it to be a good hair, awesome outfit, light is always green, primo parking place kind of day.
And if anything good like this happens for you today, let me know because that would be an amazing gift to give me, to know that my friends are sharing in my good day too. It will make my birthday more amazing than it already is.
Happy birthday to all of us!!