Happy Twilight Tuesday to any other person who might read this and is as obsessed with those books and future movie as I am. I needn't explain myself if you are one of those geeky people like me. If you look on MTV.com on the movies blog section you'll see what Twilight Tuesday is and probably not understand how a grown woman could be so enrapt with these books, this movie, but I totally am.
So anyway after I check my Twilight Tuesday update on MTV.com, I get to my Ice Zone work and ask my husband tentatively, as nonchalantly as I can, "So what's in store for today with our training?" Brad responds brightly, with this almost sardonic smile on his face, just some swimming. JUST some swimming??? Okay here is his JUST some swimming, a 300 meter warm up, followed by 750 at level four intensity, then another 300 meters. Then he says more quietly and we have a half hour run today. So now I have figuring to do. I have a stack of payables that absolutely, positively must be entered or our vendors will come banging down my door pitch forks and torches in hand, checks to print from them, approximately an hour worth of swimming, three kids begging to go to the pool, two dogs that need to be fed, a yard that needs to be mowed, groceries that need to be bought, a half hour run, laundry that needs to be done, lunch needs to made for my family, Heather needs new sneakers for tri camp and (sing along with me now) a partridge in a pear treeeeee! How in the bageezus am I getting all of this done.
Okay, I enter the payables and print my checks, get into my swim suit, sunscreen myself down, get to the pool, sans the kids, they want to go and play so they agree to wait until after I am done working out and I will take them to the pool with the slide, and jump into my swim work out both feet first!
You know, it's hard to tell Brad that he's right when he says, "it wasn't so bad now was it?" The 300 meters for warm up were simply that, a warm up. The 750 I imagined, well I imagined a lot of things but the one pertinent thing was I imagined it was the race on Sunday and fell into a pace for the race. Not the fastest I have ever swam (or is it swum??), I did it in 16 and a half minutes or so my husband told me, then those three hundred slow afterwards are so easy to do after a harder 750. I did wish there was a current to swim against in the pool to mimic the open water better, but I imagined that and almost drowned myself laughing at the carnage that would ensue, the poor, unsuspecting pool goers being swept into the skimmers by the current. My husband insists I think way too much when I swim, I guess I will never tell him I also imagined what it would be like swimming with vampires ala Twilight, they are supposedly very good swimmers don't you know?
I made it home and got lunch for everyone, hey that 4 of my Twelve Days of Tuesday things that need to be done! Got the kids sunscreened and to the pool where I breathed, fashoo! I get to sit for a few. The few lasted for a few hours and it was almost 5 when I got home. So here I sit, 5 things down, do I do the rest? Or do I take a rest and the rest will get done when I am done resting? These are the questions that truly need answering in my world! By the way, the dogs did manage to get fed!
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