Saturday, November 1, 2008

We're on our way,....

So, as I sit here ready to barf on my husband as the train jostles me, I keep telling myself by 6 o'clock tomorrow, this will all be done. I will be an official "marathon runner" that title tucked neatly under my belt. I have to keep reminding myself, it's okay if I walk through the aid stations, okay to stop if I need to stretch, okay to walk just 'cause.

I can't figure out why I have the worst butterflies ever. I wasn't this nervous before the NYC Triathlon. I was unbelievably calm that morning. This, I am sitting on the train, barely able to sit through the ride. I keep shifting in my seat, fidgeting around and all around feeling like I drank ten cups of coffee.

The conductor just called Penn. I need to put the computer away, but I am dying here...


We made it in, got through Penn Station and walked to the Javits Center. I have never been inside there, it was pretty cool. Very big, very crowded. After we got our race bibs and timing chips, we went to get our chips activated. That done, we went over to where T-Shirt pick up was.

This is were things go a little wrong. I didn't realize until I got back to our room that they gave me a large instead of a medium. While we were at the expo, who should we see besides Brandy Chastain. Brad said, let's get her autograph for Heather since she loves soccer the way she does. Okay, we tried, but there was this blow hard jack*ss that was trying to get over on her. He stood there with her for a good ten minutes, then, they said she needed to leave. We were one person away from getting her autograph. Oh well.

Did I mention my husband is more high strung than a cat, with a really long tail, laying down in a room full of moving rocking chairs??? He is nitpicking, letting everything bother him and is sort of twitchy. This is after he ate even! Usually give him a full belly and he turns into a happy boy, not so today!

My sort of oh crap luck continued after we ate some pretty yummy sammiches and some soup. We were leaving through the back of the place, I missed the first stair of these stone hewn stairs and wouldn't you know it, I melted down the stairs?? I can't say I fell, I was almost like a passive protester being picked up by the police to be carted off to jail. I went with the fall, dribbled down the stairs, and popped up like "I meant to do that! TA-DA, and now for my next trick...I will fall down a manhole cover...(God forbid)" I came out with a sock burn on my piggie toe on the right hand side and some definite bruising to my once decent sized ego. Geez, oh pete! Anyway.

I feel like I might do alright. I saw some of the marathoners at the Expo and I measured up alright. I did speak to a woman who hasn't trained in the last 6 weeks, but if she is a lifelong runner, she's still probably better off then me, the woman who's into her second year of running and doing a marathon. What's next?? DO NOT I repeat, DO NOT, say an Ironman....


Anonymous said...

Rooting for you here Dee! You have trained! Although you must have missed hewn stair training day, you are still ready because as far as I know, they don't have stairs in a marathon (or do they?). I will be looking for your comments on FB later this evening. You start at 10, which is 11 my time, so during the middle of church services, I shall give out a big WOOF-WOOF Arsenio Hall style for ya! That should impress the uptight baptists! LOL. You go girl!!!!

Cullen Boys Anonymous said...

Dee you are the Bomb!! Thanks for sharing this exciting experience of a lifetime. GOOOOOO D!!

Kim said...

Sorry I must of still been logged in on the CBA blog