Friday, May 26, 2017

It's my holiday and I need to go do a lot of nothing

I have declared today a Danielle holiday.  Yep, a day to just me, I am going to take extra special care of myself today because I have decided today is The First Day of the Rest of my Life Day.  I feel I need to celebrate me. Funny how the contents of a package can make you rethink how you look at things.

Yesterday a knock at the door sort of sent my world spinning.  Well my world sort of spins for no reason a lot of the time but anyway...  The Fed Ex man came with my Aubagio. I cannot get this medicine from my local Walgreens.  It has to be ordered through a special pharmacy and they deliver it every 28 days to be exact. When you decide to be treated with this drug you have to fill out paperwork  and send it back to your doctor.  They fill out their part of said paperwork then send it to Sanofi Genzyme, the developer of Aubagio, and you get enrolled in the OnetoOne program.  They deal with your insurance company.  Quite a process.  So anyway, as sort of a welcome while they get your insurance squared away they send you a 15 day supply of Aubagio to start.  Then a registered nurse calls you. My nurse's name is Darlene, she is assigned only to me and is available 24/7.  She walked me through every thing I needed to know about starting this and what to do if I have anything pop up that I need to report.

She told me not to take my first pill until this morning instead of yesterday afternoon.  I had my daughter's senior concert last night and she said it could cause stomach issues when you first start to take it and stay close to home so I could rest if I needed to.  I told myself ok I can wait a day.  I have stomach issues all of the time without any medicine so big whoop.  Just deal and suck it up buttercup.

But I would be lying if I didn't admit that I have been scaring myself witless about taking this medicine.  Come on Danielle, just consider potential side effects I start thinking for the millionth time, you have every right to be so apprehensive. Alright I mentally chastised myself, I decided I needed to stop thinking like that.  Stay away from the what ifs, they are worthless.  I hate feeling like a little bitch about anything and I wasn't having it.  I screwed up my courage and I took the Aubagio in my hand, which they said to open over something soft in case the pill dropped so it wouldn't break.  It's not like dropping an Ibuprofen on the counter.  We are talking about $340 a pill and while I wouldn't cry over spilt milk, I might over a shattered Aubagio.  I swallowed that sucker like a boss.

That's when I decided I can look at this in a positive or negative light.  I could look at this as this could cause so many issues I don't want to deal with, or, and this is what I am going with, this is going to help change my illness course for the better.  Change me for the better. Swallowing that little tablet was the start of something really good.  Yep, today is the first day of the rest of my life. And isn't that the truth?  Hence my holiday being born.

After I took that pill and with this new attitude coursing through my thoughts, I triumphantly marched back up to my bed and snuggled in.  I started joking around with my husband when he came in our room.  I asked him if I started growing horns yet.  I made my mind up taking that pill that this was truly an exciting moment.  That I was taking control of my illness, that his was indeed the first day of the rest of my life.  I am lucky that I have medications I can turn to change the course of this.

So everyone celebrate the day with me anyway you want to whether it's sitting outside for lunch feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin, maybe read a favorite magazine or book, plant some flowers, tell someone you love them,  call your best friend, scratch your fur babies because a well treated animal makes me happier than I can say.  Wear something purple because purple is my signature color after all. Do something that makes your heart sing.  You have to promise me you will have fun celebrating my day and keep nothing but a positive attitude while you are  enjoying Danielle Day.

Yep, it's Danielle Day!   Someone please have a toast for me since alcohol is something I cannot partake in anymore.

Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep going. Tough situations build strong people in the end.” ~Roy T. Bennett

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